When you already have a mortgage, and you want to get a new one to replace your current mortgage, and maybe add more money, this is called Refinancing.

Additional Investment

Refinance Your Mortgage To Better Your Financial Situation

Failing to execute your strategy properly could end up wasting the equity that you’ve worked hard to earn in your home. We offer numerous smart strategies for mortgage refinancing through our finely-honed mortgage intelligence. For a deeper conversation don’t hesitate to give us a call today for a no-pressure conversation on mortgage refinancing.

We at The Mortgage Specialist are here to offer mortgage intelligence and to welcome you to our Refinance Centre.

Repeat Buyers

Mortgage Refinancing in Canada

We at The Mortgage Specialist are here to offer mortgage intelligence and to welcome you to our Refinance Centre.

Here are some common questions that people have when they are searching for information on mortgage refinances:

  • When should you refinance your mortgage?
  • Is My mortgage refinancing worth it?
  • When is refinancing a bad idea?
  • When can you refinance your mortgage without penalty?

A Refinance allows a borrower the opportunity to obtain a better interest rate and terms. Also it allows access to their built up equity.

Check Out This Video

Mortgage intelligence is vital to secure a better deal when you are considering a mortgage refinance. Who you work with matters, and we here at have industry-leading experience and knowledge that we are happy to share with you.

Mortgage Refinance –Rate leveraging

A lower Interest rate is one of the main reasons why we get contacted by clients looking to refinance.

Interest rates have been fairly low, and they have been on the low side in comparison to averages, for the last 10 years.

With the rule changes of 2016, the rate conversation has become a far more complicated one than it previously was. The value of your home, the amount that you are looking to borrow, the length of time that you want to borrow for, your type of employment, your credit score….the list goes on and on in the determining factors of your interest rate.

The reality is that you will still be getting a very competitive rate when taking the averages into account.

Mortgage refinancing may be a great idea when

  • you’re looking to use the equity you’ve earned in your home to invest
  • to pay off higher-interest liabilities, or
  • to complete much-needed home renovations.

Be prepared to execute it properly

Failing to execute your strategy properly could end up wasting the equity that you’ve worked hard to earn in your home.

We offer numerous smart strategies for mortgage refinancing through our finely-honed mortgage intelligence.

For a deeper conversation don’t hesitate to give us a call today for a no-pressure conversation on mortgage refinancing

Mortgage Refinancing Advice

To help our clients with mortgage financing, we work with the following concepts:

  • HELOC (secured line of credit)
  • Interest-only and other low-payment options
  • Access to second/third mortgage financing, including privately-sourced financing

Call us at 778-233-2377 for specific mortgage intelligence, to get the ball rolling, or alternatively—email us at [email protected] and we will send you more information on our home refinancing process.

The information we can offer you will help you make smarter decisions, save home equity and help ensure your financial success. Don’t refinance your mortgage without more information from The Mortgage Specialist.

How Can I Help?



Let’s be honest, not many people can pay for their home in cash… Most people will need a mortgage to purchase real estate.

Our process starts with a 20-minute phone call. Often times, we can address 99% of your questions & concerns, and we can tell you how much of a mortgage you’d qualify for.


It might seem strange, but you might actually be able to save money by refinancing your mortgage… Depending on the rate environment and your contract, I can help you figure out if it makes financial sense for you to refinance. Even with the fees & penalties – you could save thousands.


If you are planning on renewing your mortgage with your current lender, you may be leaving money on the table. We can negotiate a better deal. You may also want a new mortgage product upon renewal, and we will show and guide you how to choose the mortgage that suits your future goals.

Debt Consolidation

Do you want to use your mortgage to consolidate your debt to manage your credit cards, car loans, taxes, or any other high interest bills? When executed well, alongside a short – and long-term plan, debt consolidation loans can help you reduce your overall debt burden while freeing up cash flow.

Sepration or Divorce

The truth is that divorce is difficult and stressful enough on its own. And when living arrangements, mortgages and financial instability start to pile up, it becomes a disaster. Don’t go into your divorce or separation with your eyes closed… You should be prepared for every financial thing that your partner could throw your way.

Mortgage Special

In addition to our normal offerings, we have special programs for special situations. Learn more about our 10-Year Mortgage Rates, Mortgages For Heroes, & our Mortgage Adoption Process.


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