You Are Not Alone

Last month you were directed to a letter along with other past customers of mine. In the resulting days following the letter we have over 725 views of the video I created for you to explain the 10 year Fixed Inflation Hedge Mortgage Strategy, which is amazing.

Canadians from coast to coast are jumping on this program in record numbers, in fact I have never seen this kind of rush to embrace a mortgage strategy in my entire career.

If you have yet to review this video then please check it out here:

We never really imagined we would have this response. Hundreds of people per week are embracing this compelling strategy from me and my colleagues from across Canada.

In fact, just this week we early renewed one of our clients’ whose mortgage was coming due at the end of summer. Not only have we positioned them to save thousands of dollars, and shave years off of their mortgage, but we managed to lower their payments by $200 per month. They are now taking this savings in payment and starting a college fund for their newborn baby boy.

Given the overwhelming response I have seen to this video and the downloadable detailed report I think you should set aside 10 minutes to watch the video. I think it will be the most important thing you could do for your overall financial wellness

Go check it out soon, before rates rise again



P.S. We have over 725 views so far. To say that people are being impacted across Canada by this strategy would be an understatement. Check it out as soon as you can, I guarantee you will be glad you did.

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