Surrey Mortgage Broker

Why Hire a Surrey Mortgage Broker When Buying a Home

Without a doubt buying a home or any kind of property accounts to be one of, if not the biggest investment in one’s life. Intuitively, every aspect of the process should be fully thought out, and precautions taken to ensure you are secure and protected. Moreover, before purchasing any property you need to make sure that it adheres to your needs and requirements ranging from the interiors of the house to the exterior. Apart from this, another vital parameter associated with buying a house is “arranging for adequate financing”. This is one of the crucial aspects of the transaction that many people tend to overlook, leaving it in the hands of their bank, who many believe have their interests at heart. The truth is there is so much information out there, and it can be pretty overwhelming. It can be pretty daunting and if you fall short of it, a Surrey mortgage broker can get you out of the muddle.

Some amazing benefits of hiring a Surrey mortgage broker

  • Providing fair services and hunting for an authentic banking institution

There are a number of brokers who can assist you. But you need to be sure that they provide you with the fair services. Many people confuse the term broker with a bank representative, or sales person. A reputed Surrey mortgage broker does not work with any one particular financial institution and instead acts as an intermediary between you and the banking institution. Experienced mortgage brokers help their clients find the best financing for their particular needs. A low-interest rate is part of the package since these brokers possess contacts in the real estate industry. They key here is the financing package, you want to ensure that you are getting the best deal possible, and not focus solely on interest rate, but the entire contract terms and fine print. An un-biased broker who has relationships with all of the lenders and does not work for any one in particular, is in the best position to educate you on your options.

  • Rendering cost-free services and better lending opportunities

If you are hiring a Surrey mortgage broker, in most circumstance you don’t need to pay them since they get paid through a referral fee from the lender that you ultimately select. The broker receives the same compensation from lenders across the board so there is no incentive for them to push one lender over another, their compensation model enables them to remain truly un-biased. The broker’s main concern is to provide you with education on the various options that you have in front of you, and to help you select the best mortgage that fits your needs, not only today, but that meshes well with your medium and in some cases longer term plans and goals.

A Surrey mortgage broker acts as a link when the bridge seems broken between buyers and lenders. Apart from this, having a skillful, genuine and experienced broker can help you save an appreciable amount of money and time.

  • Gain advantage of their knowledge & wider reach

A Surrey mortgage broker possesses an upper hand in reading and analyzing the buyer’s need, this in turn helps them to arrange the right type of loan for your dream home. If you are unable to understand any details regarding the mortgage your broker is there to explain simplify and will smooth out every single detail related to it. This can help you gain confidence while making the important but often overlooked decision on which lender to go with. It can make the difference of Tens of thousands of dollars.

You can definitely look at all of the lenders by yourself, but it can be very time consuming – not to mention, due to privacy regulations, and the simple fact that you are not armed with the same tools as a mortgage broker, you will likely have to do separate applications with each lender, and have your credit checked each time. Now this is a part of another blog, but having your credit pulled often is not a good thing. You’re also not a specialist and you don’t deal with this day in and day out like your broker does. So there might be some stuff that you may miss. And since there is no cost to you, why would you not use the services of a broker!?

Things to look for while hiring a Mortgage Broker

  • The most effective way to choose the best broker is to ensure that they have a good reputation. Just because a broker does a lot of business and is busy (or appears to be busy) all the time does not mean that they are good at what they do. They might be good at advertising and marketing, or they might be paying out a lot of referral fees to buy their business. Look for customer reviews and testimonials, this is often a sign of a good reputation, when clients are willing to take the time to say good things about the services of a broker.
  • There are many chances or circumstances which can make you the prey of the fraudulent Surrey mortgage broker. So to avoid it, always go for a licensed and registered broker because it’s your money and only you are accountable for spending it judiciously.


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If you would like more information or a free consultation contact Aleem below, and as a Certified Mortgage Specialist let me help you get the home of your dreams. Great Mortgages, Made Simple.




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