How can we help?

Steve Garganis is a renowned financial insider who specializes in Canadian mortgages and debt consolidation. According to Garganis, many Canadians are carrying debt from lines of credit and both personal and professional loans that they don’t need to maintain. In fact, Garganis and his team sat down with one family, and they were able to decrease their monthly payments by $1,954. A lot of this decrease is due to funds such as the Canadian Emergency Response Benefit, or CERB for short.

Key Takeaways:

  • If you have a mortgage, you might be able to refinance to help save money.
  • While there are some programs in place to help unemployed people and small businesses, they aren’t enough.
  • The Canadian government should do more to help out small businesses, because they drive the economy.

“Your business revenue must have dropped by 15% to 30% depending on which measurement you use, compared with the first 3 months of revenue in 2020 or compared with the same month’s in 2019 in a year over year comparison.”

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